Each school year the ELC hosts many special events and programs. Check the calendar for upcoming events.
School Events
- Grandparent Day
- Career Week
- School photos
- Classroom Parties
- Thanksgiving Feast
- Christmas Program
- 100th Day of School Celebration
- Bike Day
- Pre-K Graduation
- End of School Picnic
Community-wide Events
- Trunk or Treat
- Breakfast in Bethlehem
- Easter Egg-stravaganza
Kids Night Out
The ELC offers several Kids Nights Out each school year... to give parents a no-fun-allowed evening "off" that is perfect for date night, relaxing or holiday shopping. Kids ages 3-10 are invited to join us in the gym for dinner, games, crafts and fun with their friends. $20/child.
Check the calendar for the next scheduled night out.