Our goal is to prepare each of our students for kindergarten. We follow the Missouri Department of Education's early learning standards. Our unique lesson plans go above and beyond the standards and work to develop each child in the following areas:
- language and reading readiness
- math and science readiness
- social emotional behaviors
- gross and fine motor skills
Reading Readiness/Phonics
Our classes use Heggerty phonological and phonemic foundation program in connection with The Letter People curriculum to introduce children to the alphabet and letter sounds. Early comprehension, letter recognition, name recognition, comparisons and sounds are all benchmarks that are assessed through the year. As the year progresses, children work with rhyming words and our pre-K students begin site word recognition. Many students see success in this curriculum and complete our program at early reading levels.
We incorporate the Get Set for School curriculum, which promotes coloring, drawing, counting, and writing. Our students practice writing their name, writing upper and lower case letters and learn how to write using symbols pictures and letters.
Math & Science Readiness (STEM)
Math, Science and Social Studies lessons are tied into the Theme of the Week – many times based on seasonal themes or holidays. From learning about MLK to identifying money and making volcanos, students are emersed in STEM learning daily. Skills taught include identifying shapes, colors and patterns, sorting objects, learning to count and recognizing numerals. Students learn how to put items in order and make simple to complex patterns.
Jesus Time & Chapel Talks
King of Kings ELC believes each child is a gift from God. During our Jesus Time, we will share God's love for His children through a weekly Bible story. Christian-based materials are used, along with puppets, stories, and music. The weekly Bible story is often used in our crafts and circle time, as well.
In addition to learning about Jesus in Circle Time, students attend Chapel every Wednesday and Thursday between 9:30am and 9:45am. At that time, one of our Pastors or our DCE, will lead children in a short devotion, song and prayer. You are always welcome to join us for chapel.
Social Emotional Development
Preschool and Pre-K students have a lot of changes going on in their little bodies, minds and hearts. At King of Kings we guide them as they interact with others, participate in group activities, and encourage them to help others when a friend is in need. Teachers help children learn to respect themselves and others, have them practice 2-step directions, take care of personal materials, and build up their self-confidence through positive reinforcement.
Library Time
Children check out a book of their choice each week and are allowed to take the book home and read to their family. If they read 30 books a month, they are treated to a prize in the treasure box. We encourage children to read books at various times throughout the day – and at home. For Preschool and PreK students, reading books may be simply looking at pictures, pointing out objects, retelling the story or following along with an adult reader.
Physical Education
In addition to recess, children are gathered together each week for PE Class where students start with running, stretching and various exercises. After, practice is done on various skills such as thowing, kicking, dribbling or catching a ball. After skills practice the group engages in a cooperative game, reinforcing how to work with others.
Sample Daily Schedule
*Drop off begins at 8:45am*
8:45 - 9:00 Drop-off, name practice, and self-directed play
9:00 - 9:45 Circle time and morning activities
(introduce letter, number, color, and shape of the week)
9:30 - 9:45 Chapel/Library (Wed/Thurs)
9:45 - 10:00 Snack
10:00 - 10:30 PE/Recess
10:30 - 11:30 Enrichment activities (letters, numbers, science)
11:15 - 11:20 Review, Show and Share
11:30 Half-day dismissal
11:30 - 12:30 Lunch and recess
12:30 - 1:00 Rest time/Story time
1:00 - 2:00 Enrichment seasonal activities (art, history, science)
2:00 - 2:30 Snack/Recess
2:30 - 3:00 Cleanup/Round up
3:00 Dismissal
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Conferences are held each October and March to give both the parents and teacher the opportunity to discuss the child's progress. Skills assessments are done prior to conferences so that all parents have a true snapsoth of progress.